Have you ever seen really nice looking personalized pillows at a friend’s or family’s house, and thought “I wonder where they got these from”?
Well, without further ado, why not learn how to do your very own Image to Fabric Transfer?
You heard me, you can make your very own pillows in whatever style you like!
First, let’s take a look at what you will be needing to do this:
- Nail-polish remover
- Cotton
- Any plastic card such as a credit card
- Your fabric
- A mirrored print
How to do a Image to Fabric Transfer:
1. If you have your image that you want to transfer, print out a mirrored version of it in the desired size. Keep in mind to use darker colours as this will transfer a lot easier and if you have one, a laser printer is much more efficient in getting the job done right. Once you have got this sorted, find a nicely ventilated area to work in. Next up you can lay down the image print side down on the fabric you are going to use. Take a cotton bud and saturate the backside with nail-polish remover.
2. Pick up one of your bank cards or shopping cards and rub over the back of the print, but not with too much pressure. Ink transfers a lot better when using nail-polish remover, so if it starts drying out, just add some more.
3. Very carefully pick up a corner and peel it back a little bit to see if the print has transferred successfully or not. If it has, then continue to pull back the rest of the print to reveal your very own masterpiece.
4. And last, but definitely not least, toss your finished print into the drying machine for about 10-15 minutes to help the ink settle into the fabric properly.
Well, there you have it. It’s as simple as any other task out there, but if you are looking to get it done on a bigger scale in a lot less time, then contact us here at Budget Banners today to get your Personalized Pillows done swiftly and professionally.